Showing 51 - 75 of 119 Results
Bibliography of Soya in the Indian Subcontinent by Shurtleff, William, Aoyagi,... ISBN: 9780933332614 List Price: $90.00
Bibliography of Soy Sauce From A.D. 535 to 1988 With 2150+ References, Partially Annotated by Shurtleff, William, Aoyagi,... ISBN: 9780093332455 List Price: $91.00
Bibliography of Soy Sprouts 655 References from 3rd Century A.D. to 1991, Extensively Annotated by Shurtleff, William, Aoyagi,... ISBN: 9780933332768 List Price: $92.00
Bibliography of Soy Ice Cream, Yogurt, and Cheese 1,071 References from 1910 to 1989 by Shurtleff, William, Aoyagi,... ISBN: 9780933332539 List Price: $105.00
Bibliography of Soy Fiber--Okara (Soymilk Pulp), Soy Bran (Ground Hulls), and Soy Isolate Fi... by Shurtleff, William, Aoyagi,... ISBN: 9780933332645 List Price: $53.00
Bibliography of Soy Flour and Cereal-Soy Blends 3,085 References from 3rd Century B.C. to 19... by Shurtleff, William, Aoyagi,... ISBN: 9780933332669 List Price: $213.00
Bibliography of Soymilk and Soymilk Products 2612 References from A.D. 1500 to 1989 by Shurtleff, William, Aoyagi,... ISBN: 9780933332492 List Price: $162.00
Bibliography of Soybean Cultural Practices, Harvesting, and Storage 2,108 References from 12... by Shurtleff, William, Aoyagi,... ISBN: 9780933332683 List Price: $148.00
Bibliography of Soybean Varietal Development, Breeding, Genetics, and Biotechnology 1,601 Re... by Shurtleff, William, Aoyagi,... ISBN: 9780933332690 List Price: $134.00
Bibliography of Soya Nutrition, Biochemistry, and Medicinal Uses 5,456 References from 200 B... by Shurtleff, William, Aoyagi,... ISBN: 9780933332751 List Price: $399.00
Bibliography of Soybean Crushing, Soy Oil, and Soybean Meal 4,183 References from A.D. 980 t... by Shurtleff, William, Aoyagi,... ISBN: 9780933332744 List Price: $324.00
Bibliography of Tempeh From 1815 to 1988 With 1050+ References, Subject and Country Index P... by Shurtleff, William, Aoyagi,... ISBN: 9780933332393 List Price: $76.00
Bibliography of Tempeh and Tempeh Products 1416 References from 1815 to 1989 by Shurtleff, William, Aoyagi,... ISBN: 9780933332478 List Price: $89.00
Bibliography of the Soybean Plant Nomenclature, Physiology, Morphology, Botany, Taxonomy, an... by Shurtleff, William, Aoyagi,... ISBN: 9780933332775 List Price: $141.00
Bibliography of Tofu and Tofu Products 3939 References from A.D.950 to 1989 Subject, Countr... by Shurtleff, William, Aoyagi,... ISBN: 9780933332485 List Price: $234.00
Bibliography of Yuba 161 References from 1587 to 1989, Partially Annotated by Shurtleff, William, Aoyagi,... ISBN: 9780933332607 List Price: $45.00
Soy Fiber and Dietary Fiber Bibliography and Sourcebook, A.D. 1445 to 1995 Detailed Informa... by Shurtleff, William, Aoyagi,... ISBN: 9780933332966 List Price: $79.00
Soy Ice Cream Bibliography and Sourcebook, 1918-1994 Detailed Information on 725 Published ... by Shurtleff, William, Aoyagi,... ISBN: 9780933332904 List Price: $88.00
Soy Ice Cream, Yogurt, and Cheese in Europe Publications, Commercial Products, and History f... by Shurtleff, William, Aoyagi,... ISBN: 9780933332676 List Price: $90.00
Soy Sprouts Bibliography and Sourcebook 2nd Century A.D. to 1999 Detailed Information on 95... by Shurtleff, William, Aoyagi,... ISBN: 9781928914020 List Price: $99.00
Soyfoods Industry and Market 1984 To January 1989 by Shurtleff, William, Aoyagi,... ISBN: 9780933332560 List Price: $95.00
Soy Yogurt-Bibliography and Sourcebook, 1910 to 1994 Detailed Information on 312 Published D... by Shurtleff, William, Aoyagi,... ISBN: 9780933332898 List Price: $59.95
Soya in Canada Bibliography and Sourcebook, 1855-1993 Detailed Information on 780 Published... by Shurtleff, William, Aoyagi,... ISBN: 9780933332799 List Price: $92.00
Soyfoods Industry and Market Bibliography and Sourcebook, 1985-1993 by Shurtleff, William, Aoyagi,... ISBN: 9780933332874 List Price: $250.00
Soyfoods Industry and Market Directory and Databook by Shurtleff, William, Aoyagi,... ISBN: 9780933332201 List Price: $135.00
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